Acupuncture helps the body restore it's vital energy or Qi. Acupuncture removes blockages and balances Qi which allows the body to heal itself and achieve balance.
Bioidentical hormone Replacement Therapy utilizes hormones that are “biologically identical” which means they are structurally and functionally the same as the hormones that our body naturally produces.
Bowen Therapy is a non-invasive healing technique. During the treatment, a series of gentle, precise moves performed on specific muscles, tendons and nerves can help alleviate muscular, skeletal or nerve injuries in acute or chronic conditions.
Every individual has unique nutritional needs. Lack of proper nutrition in our food can cause vitamin and mineral imbalances. Correcting any underlying nutrient deficiencies associated is key to healthy living.
When encountering health challenges, laboratory testing can be helpful to assist in creating a treatment protocol and diagnosing illness. As regulated healthcare providers, Naturopathic Doctors can order specific laboratory tests to diagnose your health concern.
IV Vitamin Therapy is customized to your needs and health goals. Whether you are looking to optimize your health and prevent disease or suffering from an acute or chronic illness or medical condition, IV Vitamin Therapy can benefit you!
Our goal is to help you manage your stress through various types of bodywork, lifestyle counseling, IV therapy, and/or nutraceutical supplementation targeted to help you achieve the balance you need to attain and maintain optimum health.
Naturopathic medicine uses a variety of natural treatments combined with evidence based medicine to support your bodies natural healing processes. We address the underlying cause of your symptoms to create a gentle and effective complementary approach to healthcare.
Thermography is a safe, painless, and non-invasive risk assessment tool that assists in detecting wide variety of potential health conditions and helps monitor treatment and patient progress.
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