Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) dates back 2,400 years and originated in ancient China. There are numerous clinical studies proving the effectiveness of TCM on ailments ranging from menopause to heart disease and from insomnia to pain management. Currently, many hospitals in the US and around the world are offering acupuncture as an adjunct to conventional treatments.
TCM combines different ancient and effective healing arts, under one umbrella called traditional Chinese medicine. These healing arts include: acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, acupressure massage and Chinese herbal medicine. These therapies target imbalances in your body and stimulate your body’s inherent healing ability.
When receiving an acupuncture treatment, a fine (single-use), sterile needle is gently inserted into the skin at specific points. The acupuncture needles stimulate “Qi”; which is a vital energy flowing throughout the body.
The acupuncture treatment helps remove blockages in the body and provides support so the body can heal itself, thereby providing benefits in a variety of health concerns including anxiety, digestive concerns, headaches, coughs, cold and flus, PMS, infertility, hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, stress management and assist with supporting oncology patients with chemotherapy induced nausea, fatigue, neuropathies and much more.
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